AdBlock Classic for K-Meleon

AdBlock Classic is an open-source extension for K-Meleon. It is an updated and de-branded descendant of the classic AdBlock Plus extension for Firefox. It included a custom interface for K-Meleon. AdBlock Classic supports AdBlock Plus filters and rules (including AdBlock Locus's Fallback subscription). The extension is open-source software available under the MPL 2.0. AdBlock Classic is distributed freely, as-is, and without warranty. That said, you're welcome to visit the K-Meleon forums if you have questions or issues.

Set up subscriptions

Subscriptions are simply lists of blocking rules that are updated periodically. Most versions of K-Meleon will already come with some blocking rules for AdBlock Plus. Until you set up subscriptions, K-Meleon will use those default rules. It's best to choose a single base list (like EasyList) and then add as few supplemental lists as you can. You can configure subscriptions by going to Tools - AdBlock Classic - Settings to open the filter settings.

K-Meleon 74 for Windows 2000

K-Meleon 74, the last version to run on Windows 2000, can run AdBlock Classic but cannot display the menu. The K-Meleon macro module (.kmm) below will add the menu. To install simply save it to your K-Meleon/macros/ or Profiles/your.profile/macros/ folder. Like all macros on K-Meleon you can open it in any text editor and modify it however you see fit. Current releases of K-Meleon do not require the macro. As the macro is based on Hermes' port of ABPrime, it can also be used to add a menu to ABPrime.

Helper macro for K-Meleon 74


K-Meleon Tools Home

Copyright © 2022 R.J.J. III. Source code for AdBlock Classic is available under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. You can examine the source code of the extension by extracting it with an archiver like 7-zip, WinZip, or PeaZip.